2V's Wallowa Mt. Kennel

Hunting Dog Breeds Raised: German Shorthaired Pointer
We are a small kennel out of Wallowa,Oregon. Breeding just one Class Litter a year. We breed some of the finest German Shorthair Pointers, this is proven through testing for generations in AKC,NAVHDA and NADKC testing venues. These tests evaluate co-operation,trainability,mental stability, and versatility to show dogs best fit for breeding. With all of the famous dogs in the pedigrees of 2Vs Kennel you will get repeatable excellence. Pups you are proud to own and ready for anything you throw at them.
Classifieds for 2V's Wallowa Mt. Kennel
Testimonials for 2V's Wallowa Mt. Kennel
Contact 2V's Wallowa Mt. Kennel
Wayne Touve
P.O. Box 364
Wallowa, OR 97885
United States
P.O. Box 364
Wallowa, OR 97885
United States