LEtoile du Nord Kennels
North Dakota
Hunting Dog Breeds Raised: Epagneul Breton, French Brittany Spaniel
I am a breeder of superior quality AKC/UKC Epagneul Bretons (French Brittany Spaniels). Bred for high natural hunting ability, and to be your companion by the fireplace after the hunt. Home of GrCHF GRCH Vernon de L'Escarbot MH. The first Pointing dog of any breed to receive the "Grand Champion of the Field" Title in UKC history. Vern is also the first American bred and trained dog to receive a C.A.C.T in France. In addition to Trialing my dogs in AKC, UKC and Europe, I hunt my dogs extensively. By doing both I insure excellence in the field. I am located north of Jamestown, in Sykeston North Dakota
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Contact LEtoile du Nord Kennels
11 57th Av SE
Sykeston , ND 58486
United States
11 57th Av SE
Sykeston , ND 58486
United States