Mountain Star Kennels

Hunting Dog Breeds Raised: Irish Red and White Setter, Labrador Retriever
Stud Service and occasional Litters available. Mountain Star Kennels is the home of two breeds. Labrador Retrievers are our original breed and six years ago we also acquired Irish Red and White Setters. Our goal is healthy happy multi-purpose dogs that can do the jobs they are intended for and meet the breed standard for conformation. Our dogs in both breeds have had success in the show ring, in the field and in other venues as well. We have bred dogs that have had success in obedience, rally, agility, as service dogs and as search and rescue dogs. We do all appropriate health test for each breed and breed both for health and temperament. We occasionally have litters in both breeds and we offer stud service to approved bitches in both breeds. In addition we offer assistance to those wishing to train their dogs for service work, hunting or obedience. We will not train your dog for you but we will give assistance in your training efforts. We invite you to browse our dog's pages and ask any questions you might have. Have a great day. Our website is out of date please visit Mountain Star Kennels on FB for most current info..
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Contact Mountain Star Kennels
3261 E Harstine Island Road N.
Shelton, WA 98584
United States
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3261 E Harstine Island Road N.
Shelton, WA 98584
United States
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